R Consulting Media Storage (mds) Appliance Configuration

R Consulting

Apply all necessary steps from R Consulting Appliances Installation, Initial configuration checklist.

Media Storage Appliance configuration checklist

  1. Configure media content volumes:

    1. Create data volumes depending on Media Storage’s target use; refer to Brief disks, partitions and filesystems reference section below, if necessary;

    2. Enlist all data volumes in /etc/rc.conf.d/datamount (or /etc/rc.conf) by adding a sequence of datamount_volN, subsequently indexed entries, each listing the respective device/partiton; for example: datamount_vol1="da0p1", datamount_vol2="gpt/vol2";

      Additional mount options can be provided with datamount_volN_opts and noatime is default, unless explicitly set to NO.

      Volume concatenations (or spans) are created by setting value to concat:<glob-pattern>, for example datamount_vol2="concat:gpt/seg??" will concatenate all partitions with GPT labels segXY, like seg01, seg02, seg03, etc.

  2. Select which service goes to which volume, by adding respective keys to /etc/rc.conf.d/datamount (or /etc/rc.conf):

    1. datamount_hls to be set to the name of volume, where HLS timeshift to be kept; for example: datamount_hls="vol1"; a magic value, "AUTO" can also be set and in this case all volumes will be scanned for respective service directory (in this particular example, diractory named hls);

    2. datamount_pvr, datamount_timeshift, datamount_vod, datamount_wwwcache and datamount_mediastore work the same way;

    3. datamount_hls_live, datamount_timeshift_index and datamount_scratch specify the RAM drive size to use for respective feature; a reasonable value for datamount_scratch is 1G, unless there are multitude of HD variants; other values depend on the number of channels to be provided by the server: 4G for datamount_timeshift_index, 16G for datamount_hls_live, are not uncommon;

    4. To apply changes run service datamount start.

  3. Be sure to list IP addresses of all Transcoder Appliances in /etc/rcons/hls-sources.list.

  4. (Optionally) enable CORS, required for HLS playback on some devices; create /usr/local/etc/nginx/local.conf.cors.conf:

    map $http_origin $cors_origin {
        default "";
        "~^https?://provision.tv.acme.com(:[0-9]+)?$" "$http_origin";

    and replace provision.tv.acme.com with TV service address’ domain.

  5. To enable HAC access create /etc/local/nginx/local.conf.acl.conf:

    map $remote_addr $ws_binding {
        default $site_dflt_binding; management; interconnect; cache;


Brief disks, partitions and filesystems reference
